Episode 2690 -- ?t=434
7:15 meanwhile in Japan they've developed a drug that can regrow human
7:21 teeth like in your body so you you take a shot and your
7:28 adult teeth grow back in if they're not there I guess but what if you already
7:33 have adult teeth does it does the new stuff push the old teeth out I have
7:39 questions how how could your body know when to grow a tooth and when not to wouldn't it grow teeth everywhere and
7:46 then just push your old ones out like baby teeth get pushed out well I don't know that but apparently it's a real
7:53 thing it's already developed and it's already tested and they showed a reporter a reporter who was looking at
8:00 her own teeth and was like oh my God there's two new teeth just started growing I don't know I'm not I'm not
8:06 sure I totally believe that now the the purpose is for people with lost teeth the purpose is not for somebody who has
8:13 already a full a full mouth of good teeth
8:19 anyway I guess all it does is block a protein and that's all it needed to do that's all it needed to do it was easy
Truly a Golden Age. I read about growing new [individual] teeth twenty years ago, but the process was really invasive. Ten years ago the whole set.
Big Dentistry will need to embrace and extend...
edit: the
first day on the job story was pretty good.
2nd edit: ...and it's only
?t=2232. He doesn't recognize that the UFOs over Eugene, OR are different to the Coast County phenomena. Those are hypersonic red discs.