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Old 12-16-2024, 11:30 AM   #1695 (permalink)
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Hadley Cells

Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
Of course I know what the Coriolis Effect is (even if I can't spell it corectly). I was wondering how Hadley Cells differentiate the regions rather than diffusing them.

This is the part I was concerned with.
The moist equatorial heat creates the convective available potential energy ( CAPE ) which causes the vertical movement up to the 'top' of the 'climate', which 'decompresses' it as it moves higher into more, less-dense, rarified air, where it loses heat of compression ( exactly as in a refrigeration cycle ), then falls northwards, where it's cooler/denser mass causes it to descend, traveling back to its origin.
There's something specific about the 'conditions' around 25-degrees, N-S latitudes that constrain the circulation ( El Nino, La Nina, Rossby waves, sea surface temperatures, ocean currents, island archipelagos, ocean gyres, wind, whitecaps, marine cloud layer, stratospheric clouds, atmospheric aerosols, Saharan dust, contrails, coldwater upwellings, submarine thermohaline cycle, seasonal land-based vegetative cover dynamics, diurnal effects, seasonal solar insolation variability, ocean mid-depth dynamics, sea floor dynamics, sea floor topography ( volcanic sea mounts, rift valleys, canyons, tectonic spreading, etc. ), etc..
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