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Old 12-17-2024, 08:29 AM   #167 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Pay you:
Despite you NOT being anybody of note in the Tribology research field;
you have offered ....'advice' FREELY on NOT trying BA, either in a lab or in field Tests.

Now you want me to pay you to tell me the secret of oil additive testing without being allowed to lab or field test things like SDDP.

That's been carefully worded to make me lose my temper and it's becoming more and more apparent why you'd want that...
You've not provided one link to contravening evidence...

You were trying to convince the world that Dr Ali Erdimer of Argonne National Labs, owned by the US Dept of Energy was a snake oil salesman from some fly by night lab.
Now you're quoting him...!?
I suppose you want 275 USD to explain that too!?

Originally Posted by aerohead View Post
- boric acid suspended in the lubricants,' which do not react with boric acid.' PhD Ari Erdemir, Arch Development Corporation.


The Global Automotive Industry Market Size was valued at USD 3,564.67 Billion in 2023.
The global market value of lubricants and fuel additives amounted to approximately 19.6 billion U.S. dollars in 2023

There were some miracle product that cut that number by just 50% that's a whole lot of billionaires who cant buy a bigger yacht, learjet and island this month.
said industries might be inclined to dissuade people from implementing said metal bearing surface and/or oil treatments.

Don't believe me:
Send me half your income for the rest of your life.
How did that make you feel..?

On every forum about car lubrication, the mention of BA will cause someone to jump up and, like a television evangelist, take a loud dump on BA with ...'great authority' and 'big words', but not one contravening paper.

Check out the Bob the Oil Guy forum for eg.

It's almost as if these industries pay moles to build reps on likely forums and to set up Google Alerts for any posts on BA (and similar), so they can squash them.

They certainly have the 'fear of change' and:
"if it's so good; why isn't the motor industry doing it?"
type thinking on their side.

But seriously:
you stand by aeroheads:
"no lab testing allowed"
"no field testing allowed"
How did ZDDP ever end up in engine oils..?

The history and mechanisms of ZDDP
Tribology Section, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College, London SW7 2AZ, UK

"...The development of the use and research into ZDDP is first charted historically, starting with the additive’s first introduction in engine oils in the late 1930s...

...ZDDPs first appeared
formally on the lubricant additive stage in 1941 with
the filing of four patents

...The antiwear properties of ZDDP remained appar-
ently un-noticed throughout the 1940s...

...This led to major cam and follower wear problems
throughout the US... 1955 it was found that oils
which contained ZDDP generally gave less wear than
those without it... The result was a very rapid
adoption of ZDDP within the automobile industry
and, by 1958, as reported by Larson [14]; The com-
type zinc dialkyl dithiophosphate has gained
wide acceptance in the United States for high quality
motor oils

...The pace of additive development...can
be gauged from an address by Boehm to the API
Annual Meeting Marketing Division in 1948 [6]; ‘‘Ten
years ago additives were looked upon by lubricating-oil
manufacturers as costly gadgets, and it was not unusual
to hear them disparagingly referred to as ‘‘mouse milk.’’

However much has happened in the past 10 years
(That above is a link to research aerohead. You copy the URL and paste it in here to provide clickable links to white papers and research etc.
That's a far superior way to making a point than standing on a soap box shouting authoritatively and waving your arms)

NB that it took 17 years from patent to widespread use and probably 2 to 3 years to research, if not longer.
Lets call it 20+ years...

Seems that, with the exception of some Indians, I only have 19 and a half years to go!

Last edited by Logic; 12-17-2024 at 08:45 AM..
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