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Old 12-19-2024, 08:05 PM   #176 (permalink)
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I'm starting to skim over these full reposts of previous posts, but I did do a text search for 'borophene' and came up zilch, nada, zero.

So my question becomes, if there exists borophene it follows there will also be borospherene. Whoopsy-doodle there it is:
Borospherene is an electron-deficient cluster molecule containing 40 boron atoms. It bears similarities to other homoatomic cluster strucrures such as buckminsterfullerene, stannaspherene, and plumbaspherene, but with a different symmetry. Wikipedia
It's like a whole 'nuther rabbit hole
Chemistry Europe
Borospherene in the Nanohoop: Complexation and Aromaticity of Neutral ...
Jun 24, 2024 Borospherene presents exceptional stability due to its 48σ and 12π delocalized electrons, 46 and unique properties such as having both acidic and basic sites enabling gas sensing and shortage, charge-transport and non-linear optical properties, entailing promising applications 48
edit: Now I'm on to Endohedral Fullerenea:
Endohedral fullerene
Endohedral fullerenes, also called endofullerenes, are fullerenes that have additional atoms, ions, or clusters enclosed within their inner spheres. The first lanthanum C₆₀ complex called La@C₆₀ was synthesized in 1985. The @ in the name reflects the notion of a small molecule trapped inside a shell. Wikipedia
See what I mean?
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Last edited by freebeard; 12-19-2024 at 08:10 PM..
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