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Old 12-20-2024, 09:25 AM   #177 (permalink)
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Some more forum comments by people that HAVE tried MotorSilk, licensed from Argonne National Labs:
Hello everyone. I have used Motor Silk in two different vehicles, including a 95 Mercury Villager, with 110,000 miles on it.
This was one of the 95's with the oil hole missing in the connecting rods which lubricates the lower cylinder walls, resulting in piston slap, noticeable, but not terrible. The slap diminished after the vehicle reached operating temperature.
Added Motor Silk, and within 300 miles the slap was gone period, and the fuel mileage increased 2mpg.

91 Jeep Cherokee, 178,000 miles with a noticeable rod knock. Added Motor Silk, which REDUCED the knock. The knock is still audible, however NOT nearly to the extent it was prior to the addition of Motor Silk, and again the mpg increased by 1mpg.
Plain and simple the stuff works.
In fact, i just purchased a used vehicle from Folsom Lake Toyota, and purchased the extended warranty from the dealer. I am shopping around for a better price on the warranty, same coverage and have found one company willing to extend the power train warranty from 36/36 to 10/100,000 IF I have the Motor Silk installed in the engine and transmission, by a ASE mechanic and shop at NO additional charge.

I just came across your posting about Motor Silk. I have known about Motor Silk since about 2000 and have used it in my vehicles.

I used it in my sons 1966 Mustang after we had the engine rebuilt.
My son proceeded to attend Fullerton College automotive school. When it was necessary to discuss carberated cars, my son was asked to bring his Mustang in to the garage, leave it run and put it up on the hoist.
Every time he did the instructor would ask him "Wow, this engine sure sounds good. What have you done to this car?"
Well, he didn't know that I put Motor Silk into his engine so he said he didn't know.

I had it in a Ford Windstar and had some engine work done and when I went in and spoke with the mechanics they both asked me "You sure must take good care of your car because the inside of that engine looks like new."
It's no joke, this stuff really works. Read the info on their website and you choose for yourself. If you want to protect your investment and make sure your keep the wear down, use Motor Silk. I think it's great.
Those 2 comments are surround by many NEGATIVE comments.
You know what they all have in common?
All by people who HAVE NOT tried it.

Now why does that sound familiar!?
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