Originally Posted by redpoint5
You've self-identified as an example of the problem
As someone who likes math? That's a problem?
Originally Posted by redpoint5
which exemplifies my point, and what was yours?
I don't know what your point is. Mine is it's not the end of the world if you have to fill out some forms. It could be better, sure. Is it fair, no. Does it matter, not really. Life is never fair anyway. You will never have a fair tax system. And blaming it on being "unconstitutional" just because you don't like doesn't mean it's actually unconstitutional.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
You're fine with a 3 million word tax code because it's easy for you to identify as the majority of households that pay nothing.
I wouldn't call paying some 28% of my income in taxes which seems to be increasing every year as paying nothing. Quit complaining and pay yours.
If you don't want a 3 million word tax code then go to a country where you don't have 300 million people wanting to add their own 2 cents to the tax code.