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Old 12-21-2024, 11:37 AM   #1699 (permalink)
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' insulates '

Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
So it's humidity, not temperature that insulates* the poles from the tropics?

*Choose any synonym you desire.
Actually, they're fully-connected by winds and ocean currents:
1) Both poles are warming at a faster rate than anywhere else on the planet.
2) Above the North Pole, the warming has altered the behavior of polar jet.
* The polar jet influences the Jet Stream, causing it to 'meander.'
* The Arctic air is so dense that it 'pours' down from the north, creating a meridional oscillation in the Jet Stream, which can sink below the Equator, literally bifurcating North America for extended periods, with the frigid air flowing south across the Gulf of Mexico, coming ashore in Mexico, an traveling beyond Central America and into northern South America, taking out the annual harvest for many crops ( this is where George Soros has made fortunes in the futures market, buying coffee and bananas before they're destroyed in a hard freeze, sending world prices through the ceiling ).
3) In Antarctica, the sea ice and glacier melting is causing freshwater intrusion into the ocean, which effects the thermohaline cycle which is responsible for heat transport of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Current ( AMOC ), commonly referred to as the 'Gulf Stream', responsible for supplying tropical heat to N. Europe.
* It also affects the El Nino Southern Oscillation ( ENSO ), El Nino, and La Nina.
* The entire marine food chain for the world is affected by the loss of algae that lives under the sea ice, which we're losing at an exponential rate, at both poles. Without sea ice there's no krill, fish, marine mammals, sea birds, etc..
* A few months ago, Scientists reported that the AMOC has already slowed by 33%.
* A hurricane actually formed off the Eastern Coast of South America a few years ago for the first time ever in recorded history ( 1850 ).
Everything is connected. It's why they call it 'climate', instead of 'weather.'
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Last edited by aerohead; 12-21-2024 at 11:38 AM.. Reason: typo
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