Ihave been wanting improve the aerodynamics of my car More specifically the front bumper. here is a photo of a cars similar to mine i found. I currently dont have any photos of it to post up.

Before i start on this i have to get my cars cooling system in order. The cooling fans have not been working correctly. They are often on full blast when the engine is cold and then not working in hot weather. I have a code for bad tempature sensor. I have bought 2 sensors already but neither one has worked correctly. I plan on getting this straightened out friday after i get off work.
After i get the cooling system working properly i Hope to start on modifying the front bumper.
I'd like to block the upper grill completely. The lower grill i'd like to block but make an adjustable opening so i can keep the engine from over heating.
I guess i could make a sliding blocker or even use tape. Id like to maybe make an air dam but the bottom has to be flexable to withstand scrapes and parking bumps. I cannot talk myself into making a full belly pan at the moment. I am concerned with it holding moisture and roadsalt.I would like to do a partial belly pan. Block the bottom area between the front bumper cover and the radiator. Id also like to belly pan the rear area under the trunk so the back bumper doesnt hang down sharply.
My idea for an airdam is similar to this:

Id like to extend it low as possible but i may not be able to as some of the roads i drive on frequently are rough and unpaved.
Originally Posted by freebeard
Coroplast, as the young kids call it, is cheap and moderately durable. Suitable for prototyping.
A bellypan should reduce noise and increase accumulated detritus.
An airdam, in Porsche's experience, needs to be balanced with a rear spoiler so as to not impair front/rear lift.
I have not done any research on spoilers yet so i dont know much about that topic. Would not having a spoiler hurt my effort for fuel efficiency or would it make the rear end lighter and slide out around turns more frequently?
I hope to take real photos and post it soon when i am able. More info and input appreciated!