The thread fell off the recent list while I was offline...
Listened to SA today as usual, but nothing particularly interesting stood out (more of the same).
After that, I checked in on the latest Doomberg Youtube content. He's got new interesting takes on things about every 6 months, mostly on the subjects of energy and and hedging against the macro events of the world.
His usual frame revolves around the fact that we're not going to run out of fossil fuels in our lifetime, and that unilateral action to curb consumption won't have a meaningful impact, as every bit of oil produced will be utilized.
He notes the relative bargain of natural gas, which creates an economic incentive to transition fleets, which is occurring in China. Doomberg speculates trucking and other domestic equipment will make a similar transition to natural gas.
Originally Posted by freebeard
He got Episode 2697 into the title again. But he's still jonesing over drone warfare. It might be a negotiating point when you've run out of cannon fodder, but robot dogs are no counter to hypersonic kinetic impactors.
I expect ground and air robots will be making the majority of kills in the next decade. Scampering around through streets in meat-bodies listening for the sound of incoming fire is a foolish way to conduct war against an enemy.
Originally Posted by freebeard
I'll give the part about Gates another listen. Was that the theory that Gates created a non-profit and put the majority of his wealth in it as a way to hedge against having not signed a prenup? It lacks the main character aspect that Bill has, which is to create.
I got framed Winston Churchill quotes and some flannel shirts for Christmas. Held a White Elephant here and got an Amazon Firestick 4k... I gave one of those away about 4 years ago as I have no use for it. That fits with the nature of White Elephant exchanges I suppose.