So I needed a rail road thread and this one is mine.
I was thinking about combining two emerging technologies: the Owl Monocab and the Ironlev magnetic suspension.
The Monocab provides for two-way traffic on a gauge-independent basis. The Achilles Heel of the Ironlev system is that it can't navigated installed track switches and grade crossings.
A lot of rail is gone because it wasn't economically viable. An example is the Oregon Pacific and Eastern Railroad.
The Railroad Buster Keaton filmed The General on is now a bike path. That stymied the Cerro Gordo community that wanted to become a satellite of Cottage Grove, commuting by rail. I worked, and thought I might build there in the 1970s.,
The Monocab would be perfect for that scenario, on-demand two-way transportation on a dedicated right of way. Magnetic levitation just to keep up with the times.