Originally Posted by freebeard
My thinking is it might work but have practical limitations. If they were faking it would they design in a fatal flaw?
This is more appropriate for the SA thread, but he's recently been skeptical of quantum computing and is raising the same objections I have; that nobody has explained how it works.
For the same reasons, I'm doubtful of this levitation technique, because in the video there is a section titled "how it works" where 2-bit proceeds to not tell us how it works, and obfuscates with "electricity takes path of least resistance", and then shows some roller bearings that keep lateral play at bay, as if that was what needed explanation.
I'm on the doubtful end of the confidence spectrum for string theory and multiverse, quantum computing, backwards time travel (not time dilation), and whatever this undisclosed levitation technique is. Now that I've listed all that, I'm not so sure about quantum entanglement either, or at least our understanding of it.