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Old 01-23-2025, 12:51 PM   #254 (permalink)
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' worked well in engines ' etc.

Originally Posted by Logic View Post
The idea behind experiment is to see what will happen.
To learn new things and be able to update our outdated view with that learned new knowledge...
That is what drives progress.

Deduction is how new experiments and uses for new discoveries come to be.

By your own admission, this stuff worked well in engines. (at whatever load)
Yet you jump and and try to convince everyone to conclude that, not only is this not worth testing, but should not be tested anywhere under any circumstances?
And that somehow seems rational to you..?

I NB that you've decided it unwise to take a dump on the researchers, research institutes and the Department Of Energy, but the that fact is there for all to see.

Instead; when the 20+ peer reviewed, published papers by the same research institutes that brought you your ZDDP "mouse Milk", using the same sort of test equipment are linked here; you take a dump on the equipment.
Yet you want to win the debate with a Viscosity test in a simple Viscometer.
That's your idea of winning a debate is it?
Where's all your 'Exhaustive testing in a real engine' now!?

But I'M delusional or just plain devious..?
Do you really believe that anyone reading all this thinks so..?

That's not the conclusion the one other person who has read all this and most of the linked research has reached. 'Paid Troll' is more in line with their conclusion IMHO.
What do you think the conclusion of anyone else who actually reads this and the research is? Whether they say so or not.

Speaking of research: You don't yet seem to have figured out the 'new' concept of linking any. So how do you figure your say so on new concepts carry any weight with anyone..?

As for your belief that you are slowly but surely winning this argument: Think again.
Engine oil makers thought the same of ZDDP and Boron in one form or another is already in just about every engine oil out there.
All the Boron based additives devolve into BA when they react with water and water is in all engine oils. How long before people figure things out..?

You can expect a video of my treating an engine.
"Oooh! He pumped the tires! He changed the timing! He changed the fueling! etc" is already going through your head as a means to dump on that.
The video will be uncut, so you will be left trying to convince everyone that 'a delusional idiot' has the chops to fake video. Good luck with that!

Also; I will be writing to Dr Ali Erdemir and others of similar ilk who have researched BA now that I have done my research and can better frame my questions.
You better hope they don't join the forum but rather reply to me directly so you can call the authenticity of any replies into question.

Fact is I could turn up at your house in a car with an old smokey engine and invite you to see the before after (compression, economy, vibration, noise) results of treating it with BA and you would still be dumping on this.
If I offered to leave the car with you for long term driving/testing; you would refuse it. Or sabotage it..?

Have you noticed that there are basically only 2 or 3 people actively posting on this forum nowadays?
That your negative comments are more often than not, NOT replied to and that the conversation often dries up right after?
Perhaps not because you are considered right, but because, being wiser than me, they know better than to bother trying to change your mind about anything whatsoever..?

Have you noticed the various comments basically calling you a Caging Runt by those who haven't simply self banned themselves by abandoning this forum?
Has it occurred to you that perhaps your snide, superior, narrow minded, yet carefully 'worded to enrage' comments may have a lot to do with the downturn in activity here?
Or that perhaps I am not the only person noticing..?

Perhaps it's time to post a novel new eco idea here!?
Does anything come to mind..?
1) I don't recall EVER saying such a thing.
2) As of 2013, it remained to be seen what it would do in 'engines.'
3) No reporting at BORPower includes enough data to satisfy the requirement for the attribution of Boric acid as being responsible for explaining reported phenomena.
4) All Argonne testing was conducted under conditions of which have no bearing on what motorists would encounter in 'real driving, especially the Diesel engine test you re-posted.
5) All final engine design criteria for tribological metrics come down to 'viscosity'. Reporting test data in its absence would be tantamount to reporting aircraft performance from tests conducted in outer space!
6) Viscosimeter testing of Dr. Erdemir's 'cocktail' will simply add data missing from his reporting. Red Line Synthetic Oil Corporation has been respectful enough to potential customers by providing viscosities.
7) 'Exhaustive testing' in a worn-out engine constitutes an oxymoron.
8) I'll be posting about what would constitute 'testing', and those following the information will be in a better position to 'know' in advance, what expectations they may want to hold, if any.
9) Water may be in YOUR engine oil, but not necessarily in anyone else's.
10) A video will be great considering that you never explained what you did in the past.
11) If you can't get Dr. Erdemir onto this thread, I'll contact him also and see what I can do. Thanks in advance.
12) I'll pay for your PASSPORT, round-trip airfare, meals, accommodations, the car, materials, and pre-test/ post-test engine teardown and measurements ( there's a fine engine builder nearby, in Denton, who can do all the component measurements: and PACCAR Corporation has offices at the University of North Texas Engineering Park, and they have the electron microscope / Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometer, x-ray photoelectron spectrometer equipment ).
Just send me a PM with your bank routing number for your account.
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