' nBA compatibility with full additive package PAO-4 '
1) NEVER tested in a 4-Stroke, Otto-Cycle, atmospheric engine, at 300-F degrees oil sump temperature ( 150-C ), @ Wide-Open-Throttle, @ 3,000-rpm, for 196-hours, with a 100-Horsepower Load, and considering that 'WATER' Boils @ 212-F ( 100-C ), and there's ZERO MOISTURE IN THE ENGINE .
2) Zero discussion of:
- Pascal Fluid
- Newtonian Fluids
- Non-Newtonian Fluids
- Thixotropic substances
- Reynolds number effects, turbulence, loss of linear relationships to coefficients
- Entropy
Photobucket album: http://s1271.photobucket.com/albums/jj622/aerohead2/