' logical deduction'
So far, the 'logical deduction' is that, Argonne, and it's 3rd-party researchers never 'concluded' the research, leaving things open-ended, and an 'unknown quantity,' No actionable information.
In the context of 'The Art of War', you had already lost the battle, and the 'war' before any of us ever took the field. And it's because of what we already knew that you didn't.
You've attributed things to boric acid that have never been supported by facts.
While facts cannot be argued, it was 'essential' that your hypothesis be tested, as best we could, in the full light of the scientific method.
Every phenom experienced by BORPower contributors can be explained within the absence of anything to do with 'boron.'
If anyone is still interested, and in the absence of critical information Logic purposely withheld from us, I've got a 'book-full' of information germane to subject of 'engine additives', from which we might be able to do some forensic reconstructions of what's been 'measured.'
Photobucket album: http://s1271.photobucket.com/albums/jj622/aerohead2/