Originally Posted by freebeard
It appears to be a standard fire hose. Hydrants should work anywhere but California.
It sucks on the hose like a big pressure washer.
Can't reliably get 1000gpm from your single standard hydrant anywhere for long, or so I understand from talking to fire officials when I ran the HOA. Need a big tank somewhere and at least 6"-8" dia supply pipe. Ten minutes pumping pretty much drains those pressure buffer supply tanks and pressure /flow drops like a rock. Turn up the suction and you collapse the supply pipe. Some parts of Reno have million gallon tanks on hilltops but you need to be 20ft lower to drain them fast. Would be like a half time commercial on super bowl sunday
https://www.nfpa.org/news-blogs-and-...e-hydrant-flow. So maybe for a while longer than I thought, but needs multiple hook ups