Originally Posted by freebeard
Okay, it was just a suggestion.
Which one? Sun Bin or Sun Tzu? The former is two volumes of fifteen chapters, the latter is thirteen chapters.
Can you narrow it down a bit, or is it just "I know more than you going in"?
It's Sun Tzu. And, not all versions offered are worth reading, as with Machiavelli's 'The Prince.'
You'll know, when you know.
'Going in' the curriculum for the degree in mechanical engineering far exceeded what's mentioned in the tribological literature.
Logic's missed the evolution of dozens of related technologies which were in lock-step with tribology, so far un-mentioned, and fatal to his hypothesis.
The universe in which Argonne's US Patent was born into no longer exists, and other automotive technologies have emerged which have superannuated most of the 'Boron' talking points existing in 1991. Dr. Erdemir killed a lot of it off by himself.
It will take a while to present it all.