Episode 2739 at 14:29
I think he makes a good point, and then pursues his topic. There is a fine line between hyperbole and bluff. Being able to walk that line and know which side you're on is a skill worth having. I'd put that on a list of persuasion skills.
Then he mentions them working all weekend. As I left the medical clinic on Friday, the receptionist said "Have a nice weekend." and I replied "It's all weekend for me". She said "Ouchie" and I felt bad for that.
30:09 He starts to backpedal on Perplexity.
36:57 This is the story of the decade: Six autists unravel the whole 'ball of worms' in one weekend.
Most people never heard of USAID? It's history goes back to before WWII, and they were all over Vietnam, where I first heard of them.