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Old 02-06-2025, 04:06 PM   #1802 (permalink)
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This could go in the Scott Adams thread, but it's ontopic here. Episode 2742 at 1:18:32:
there's a clean energy breakthrough where they create these tiny copper Nano flowers that can
convert CO2 in the air uh into valuable
hydrocarbons with no pollution think about that they figured
out how to take the CO2 out of the air without without using a lot of energy I
I I think it might even be passive it might be just the CO2 that hits the flower yeah I think it is so they're not
they're not even sucking the CO2 out they're just putting this flour there now they're calling it a flow but it's
you know copper wires and stuff uh but it's a mimicking nature and they uh it mimics the
photosynthesis so it turns a carbon dioxide into a fuel source specifically
what kind of fuel uh into complex molecules such as uh ethane and ethylene
which are key components in fuels and plastic production now the question I ask if
this is real and uh University of California Berkeley and University of Cambridge say it is they say it's real
that it's not a theory they built it so they don't have to wonder if it works
they built it it works so what if we all got
one you know what what if it what if they just turn it into a I don't know a
desktop thing you can plug in and it just takes CO2 out of the air and turns it into something you could sell or
turns it into 3D printer material I always like that it could be it could be the end of
any problems about CO2 now may I jump in and say don't take my plant food stop
taking all my CO2 my plants are going to die well before that
happens at least we can get rid of the climate hysteria so when I talk about removing
CO2 from the air I'm usually talking about removing the climate hysteria from the air I'm not really talking about CO2
but if we had a way to get rid of it as scale we would know pretty quickly if it made any difference and I think we could
"when I talk about removing CO2 from the air I'm usually talking about removing the climate hysteria from the air"

He never gives his sources, where does he get his news? DDG: The Debrief one day ago? four days ago?
Clean Energy Breakthrough: These Tiny Copper 'Nano-Flowers' Convert CO₂ ...
1 day agoScientists have developed small "nano-flowers" made of copper, attached to a solar cell "leaf" in a design mimicking how plants capture sunlight through photosynthesis. This breakthrough in solar power technology could support the energy demands of modern industries while reducing
Tiny copper 'flowers' bloom on artificial leaves for clean fuel production

Tiny copper 'nano-flowers' have been attached to an artificial leaf to produce clean fuels and chemicals that are the backbone of modern energy and manufacturing.
I've always advocated for passive operation with the costs up front. Like electrochromic glass.
Smart glass
Glass with electrically switchable opacity
Smart glass, also known as switchable glass, dynamic glass, and smart-tinting glass, is a type of glass that can change its optical properties, becoming opaque or tinted, in response to electrical or thermal signals. This can be used to prevent sunlight and heat from entering a building during hot days, improving energy efficiency. It can also be used to conveniently provide privacy or visibility to a room. There are two primary classifications of smart glass: active or passive. Wikipedia
Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster

You can't be wise and in love at the same time. -- Bob Dylan
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