I'm listening to Rudyard's The Politics of Dehumanization now, specifically the part about how our moral code is attempting to make us cogs in the political machine.
A thought that struck me was that Marxism viewed the proletariat as noble and virtuous cogs in the evil corporate machine... which represents a rival to making those cogs serve the political machine.
Whenever the neo-Marxists can align corporate interests with their political agenda to undermine individuality and agency, they're happy to form the unholy alliance.
I'm contemptuous of all ideologies whose agenda is to strip individuality, agency, and potency (funny because I attempted to enlist in my youth). There are a number of instances where I'd voluntarily suspend individuality and agency, but it's those people and groups that attempt to take it by force that should be resisted. It's the reason why conscription is evil; because the cause should be so worthy that we're lying about our age just for the opportunity to give ourselves to a greater cause.