Originally Posted by freebeard
The team-color basis is deprecated.
It's useful for adding a layer of ambiguity, and emphasizes the fact that both teams play the same game (the game of growing federal authority and spending).
Whenever a team gets a longer run and builds confidence, that's when increasing absurdity is introduced.
I vaguely recall Intelligent Design being proposed as a mandatory science subject, or Noah's Ark in history. Not as drastic as revoking women their own restrooms and sports leagues, but there is potential for lunacy to pop up anywhere.
None of that is to be dismissive of positive accomplishments by a team color, only that fixing a few pinhole leaks on the Titanic doesn't sustain my optimism.
This one has evolved since I last saw it, but it all started with the Babylon Bee.
In other news, that gust of wind from the WSW at 1PM lifted the roof right off my shed. I threw a 30ft hawser over it to hold it down.
I would think the start is earlier, perhaps largely motivated by a social contagion that infected one of his children. The Bee might have been the straw.
Gusts up to 55 MPH here, and lightning as close as a mile away. Haven't lost power yet. The rain has more lateral speed than vertical.