Sometimes I'm annoyed by Scott's lingering on a subject day after day. Scott is lingering on the chainsaw vs scalpel subject, and I get it now; repetition is a persuasion method. Just because I've already understood it, doesn't mean everyone else is ready yet.
...and I keep coming back to that subject because it's among the most fundamental to my high value for liberty (fitting name for my most defiant daughter).
Originally Posted by freebeard
If I ruled the World it would be Synergetics [science]. With maybe a touch of Tartaria [history]. 
Might fit better in philosophy; a subject under-taught in school. With AI solving math problems for us, or fetching facts on anything we might want to know, philosophy remains as among the more relevant subjects for a classroom.
One might trace the 'social contagion' back to the Stonewall Riots, then Life Magazine's Sexual Revolution, then the Kinsey Report, then the books from the Weimar Republic that got burnt...
In my curiosity of what church was like for local Maui residents, I once visited one. The teacher would read a verse or 2 in the New Testament, then tell us that to understand this, "we've got to go back to Genesis". He did this about a dozen times. It ended up being among the most memorable sermons I've heard.