Zinc Halide Batteries DONT burn and have around 4X the energy density of Lithium Batteries.
Zinc–bromine battery:- 100% depth of discharge capability on a daily basis.[3]
- Little capacity degradation, enabling 5000+ cycles
- Low fire risk, since the electrolytes are non-flammable
- No need for cooling systems
- Low-cost and readily available battery materials
- Easy end-of-life recycling using existing processes
Some Lugols Solution (Iodine) and Zinc:
ie: They are so easy you can make your own battery without a 2nd mortgage on the house to buy batteries.
(you don't need an inverter for anything that doesn't have an AC electric motor in it either...)
the question is:
WHY is 'Mos Burning' using Lithium batteries in the 1st place!???
For stationary batteries it doesn't matter a damn how large and heavy they are.