SA touched on one of the subjects that irritates me more than most, is more important than most people realize or care, and then provided the very dumbest solution.
Congresses A1, numero uno, most important duty is to set a budget in accordance with revenue. Scott gets this part right. Congress has failed their primary purpose for existing every year except 2001. Deficit spending fighting Nazis in WWII is understandable. What is the existential crisis we are fighting to justify deficit spending now?
Scott proposes that we pay a bonus $300,000 to every member of congress when they perform the most basic task they were elected to accomplish, as an incentive to do their job.
If I hired someone to mow my lawn and paid them every week, but every week I look at the grass and find that it was not cut, then ask why, and was told that instead of cutting the grass, they spent their time rallying for men to access women's showers, and promoting cosmetic surgery that renders organs non-functional for confused children, I would stop paying them.
The correct solution is to not pay people who are not performing the job they were hired for.