Originally Posted by RedDevil
As for the idea of cheap durable body parts, the answer is neither nitinol nor what's currently used.
Sandy Munro predicts the future and it's kinda relevant to this use:
BTW fugeddabout paint 
I believe nitinol is used in body parts, as stints for arteries.
This is the kind of Sandy content I enjoy, not him talking about Jigawatts.
I would fugeddabout paint, and the house altogether, but I prefer to remain married. If she's going to have me paint, I've got to get her to like something that won't turn the house into a gloomy cave.
That's a relevant efficiency topic, LRI (Light Reflectivity Index). It's the percent of light that a particular paint reflects rather than absorbs. Higher LRI make more efficient use of lighting since it bounces it around instead of absorbing it.