Got it. The doors are the problem. Maybe retrofit a roll-up door and do whatever with the aerodynamics? It might take the form of a collar attached to the door hinge and bumper attachment points and include an
DDG?q=all+weather+roll-up+door. A smooth flush transition from the Sprinter body would be possible.
Either a boxed cavity, or configurable panels, or both (Mercedes AAI concept)
It all comes down to ROI. Is that important?
Anyways here's a picture of the other system that I found for trailers that could maybe be ultimately used on a van
The [literal] screen shot isn't too helpful. Is it the black rectangle on the side or the trapeziodal foil on the top? I'd categorize that as a vortex generator. The corner of the box van is a bigger vortex generator than anything you can attach to the sides; due to the interacting flows from the top and sides, what with crosswiinds and all.