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Old 10-29-2008, 03:18 PM   #28 (permalink)
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[QUOTE=Tony Raine;68722]I rolled down the window, and just said "well, your fu**ed" as i drove by[QUOTE]

Tony, you're a very, very, bad man!

Funny, but very bad non-the-less

I've had mostly good experiences with rotarys, I work within a 1 square mile faciltiy that has a couple of single lane rotarys (I drive thru a roatry 4-5 times/day), they are very effiecient, I've never seen a problem in 22 years. There is another side of the coin, we don't allow access to the general public, the pepole who use them here qualify as 'regulars'.

I've been on several in and around Boston. Although Boston drivers are legendary, the rotarys seem to work fine there, too.
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