Originally Posted by freebeard
Magnetic bearing?
Too heavy for any substantial force over the distance of the rubber thickness required I think..?
ie: One might magnetize gear teeth to repel each other as the distance between teeth where you'd want the repulsion to kick in is essentially zero AND you have oil.
But for a (rubber filled) gap of (thumb suck) 1 to 3 mm the magnets would be too heavy in this case?
You'd already be 'complicating' a std conrod.
Doing so as simply and lightly as possible would be key here.
As a mental exercise; I'm also not liking the directions in which the conrod would move when its say 1/3rd of the way down on the power stroke where the 'horizontal' force would push it 'in the wrong direction'.
ie: The offset Ecky is talking about would be 'in the wrong direction', but all 'in the conrod' so to speak.
Now we're talking oval holes/rubbers and where to stick the rubber and where not and the whole thing falls apart as far as 'simple' goes.