Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
Meanwhile in Brazil, even though trucks and SUVs tend to be smaller than their American counterparts (mostly due to the lower GVWR limits for a car driving license holder) and most often Diesel-powered (depending on the payload and driveline, as vehicles with a payload lower than one metric ton and 2WD are not allowed to have a Diesel engine), small cars have been the norm for a long time, and motorcycles are also widespread. Public transport could be better, and due to a tight budget many people who weren't properly served by public transport switched to motorcycles.
Vehicle size is in proportion to wealth and local energy costs.
We expect Brazil to have smaller vehicles due to lower average wealth. In Africa, most people get around with their Chevrolegs.
Public transport is always a joke, because it's inefficient due to being a government project, and inefficient because transporting people from where they don't live, to not quite where they need to be, is inefficient.