Originally Posted by JQmile
Yup. Cause I write for Diesel Power Magazine. In addition to the 1982 Chevette diesel I have a 89 Dodge Ram that gets about 23mpg if I keep my foot out of it (and has 400hp if I don't) and a 1971 Nova Drag Car that gets about 5mpg and depletes the ozone layer when it starts.
About the Chevette: It's a 1982 two door, weighs 2400 lb with me in it, has 51 hp from a 1.8L non-turbo diesel engine, and was rated at 41 city/ 55 hwy. So far I've gotten about 44mpg at 70-75mph, and 56.2mpg at 55mph (slowing to 50mph up hills and coasting down). Thinking of doing some aero mods next. Cool forum.
The 1986 Chevette Diesel is one of the MOST RARE CARS in the world...only 384 were built for that last year!