I think it would be best if the MPG could be the main criteria, but below a certain speed (say 5mph less than where it is set -- this speed drop should be programmable) then the throttle could be increased to keep going above the minimum speed.
In other words, If you set the control while getting 60mpg @ 55mph, the control would try to hold the MPG (constant throttle position?) as high as possible (or even increase it, if that starts to happen), but if the speed drops below 50mph, then the throttle would be increased just enough to keep the speed above 50mph.
If you are going downhill, and you start gaining speed, the opposite might help: let the speed go up to 60mph (the speed increase should be programmable, too), and then back off the throttle to get better MPG, and then only increase the throttle back to original setting when the speed drops back below 60mph.
So, dual (triple?) curves would make this sort of control ideal, IMO.
Last edited by NeilBlanchard; 11-02-2008 at 05:51 AM..
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