Originally Posted by Matt Herring
I think the whole quiet car thing is a crock as well! But when you have something new (like EV's) everyone has their two cents. One kid gets hit by a Prius and all of the sudden their death machines. The government, special interest groups, etc...they all want their piece of the pie.
On the other hand, there have been alot of important safety measures taken based on a particular genre (children wearing helmets when riding bicycles, motorcycle helmets, horns in cars, braille on all public signage, crosswalk user-initiated buttons for safe passage). I think it's a good thing to at least have the safety discussion for all new products.
Did I play both sides of the fence there...sign me up for public office!
That reminds me of something in my ENGL 104 textbook. Something about a greater fear of guns as opposed to swimming pools when swimming pools are actually responsible for more deaths than guns...
As for a solution, I think just adding some white LEDs as daytime running lights should work and is pretty inexpensive. Maybe even strobe them to improve visibility.
Funny part is, the small EVs used by the landscaping workers at my university are almost completely silent and I have yet to hear about an accident involving one of those...