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Old 11-04-2008, 09:00 AM   #243 (permalink)
OBDuino coder
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Titine - '13 Hyundai Sonata Hybrid
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Guys, FYI, as the ELM327 cost $32+sh (about $40 ) and we use only the CAN properties of it (ISO can be done with the freescale chio, VPW/PWM can be done with transistors or even an ELM320/322), I plan to use a CAN interface made by microchip, their MCP2515 and MCP2551, and use a CAN library to handle messages, and put some logic inside the AVR instead of the ELM's PIC.

This would reduce the cost of the OBDuino to a *duino board, an LCD, and a few components, about $40 all in all.

This is also because on a new prototype board, I think I burnt the CAN input of my ELM327 chip
2013 Hyundai Sonata Hybrid
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