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Old 11-08-2008, 03:27 PM   #40 (permalink)
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drag wheels

Originally Posted by whokilledthejams View Post
All good points.

I was thinking spindle-mount drag fronts for trailer tires, but I can't find any on the intertubes that are DOT legal (Hoosier makes DOT tires, but specifically says not to use them on public roads-- it has more to do with meeting drag racing rules than being street legal). Same goes for dune buggy fronts, AFAIK.

Still, most normal trailer wheels are fairly small, especially if they don't have to be able to carry a lot of weight.

Perhaps motorcycle wheels and tires might work? They can be had in spindle-mount applications, and tend to run tall and skinny, while still being road-legal.
There was a set of spindle-mount, drag wheels(spoked 60s style) at a Goodfella's Hot Rod Show and Swapmeet last month here for $100 (US).I passed 'em up cause they were"for racing only" stamped,and I figured,sure enough,if I try an' run 'em on the street or highway,I'll get nailed for sure! They were for early model ford,were absolutely beautiful but I got scared off.--------------

I've got a Suzuki TM-400 moto-cross rear swingarm and wheel on my one-wheeler and so far no one has picked up on that.It's got really robust spokes,a good road tire, and I've tossed the trailer around hard over three states and she's done fine.( but I never said that!).-------------------

I have thought of mating a trailer spindle to an s-shaped swing-arm (as sport-bikes have with uni-strut suspension) and just use a 13-inch radial trailer tire/wheel combo.They're designed for this kind of duty,are DOT-rated,and can be had at Northern Tool pretty cheap.The motorcycle wheel/bearing unit seems to be an unknown quantity because of the "upright"geometry it would see with a trailer.Perhaps a forged alloy wheel and LLR radial would bolt-up.-----------------

If the RR of motorcycle tires is that big of an issue,this may be a way to go.Had the carburetor hoses on the CRX been okay,I might have had usefull info on that issue.Rats!
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