Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Now that I've charted it, I can see that anything more than an hour and 15 minutes (#6) is probably not worthwhile in terms of return on time & energy invested.
This makes me rethink the amount of time I need the heater on for my VX.
Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Note that this probably isn't directly applicable to other cars. The 993 cc motor in the Firefly is a smaller heat sink. I'd guess that bigger motors may "level out" at a higher temperature (though they'll take longer to get there @ the same 800w).
Could you find the total amount of fluid in your cooling system? That would help to make a reference point for others to use in making a rough guesstimate of how long to run a heater in their car. You could also get the dimensions of the radiator and block in order to further the reference point.
Then Ben (SVOboy) could send me his SuperMID so I could do the same experiment in my VX and post results for the other VX owners. But now I might be going too far, lol.