Originally Posted by Nerys
Roughly Water is 11% hydrogen and 89% Oxygen. Now before people say wait wait there is twice as much Hydrogen.
Well thats only true in PHYSICAL ATOMIC QUANTITY which for any reactions WE are conducting are largely irrelevant.
Once they are GASES all that matters is VOLUME. by volume its 11% hydrogen and 89% oxygen.
WORSE (this is where it gets tricky) its PURE oxygen. not "air" as we know it which is only what ?? 21% oxygen?
So now while YES you are injecting more "fuel" so you need less gas your also injecting COPIOUS quantities or PURE O2 into the engine.
this is going to screw around with your Oxygen sensors. its going to be TRICKED into thinking your running LEAN since its reading a LOT more O2 than it should be coming out the tailpipe. SO the computer does exactly what its supposed to do it INJECTS more fuel to richen up the mixture back to what its programmed for.
There are all kinds of issues and fixes and hacks to be worked on for this but I don't really care about that part.
your chemistry is very badly flawed - none of this is correct
If you break water and burn the hydrogen and oxygen you get... water
it is in perfect balance - there is no need to adjust fuel mixture
Also there is no need to "fool" the oxygen sensor because it will correct automatically
if there is too much fuel (gas or hydrogen) it will lean out
if there is too much oxygen it will richen the mixture
you have no need to adjust the oxygen sensor to optimize this system
This fact alone makes the hydrogen generator hype unbelievable
the only part of this that is even worth pursuing is tricking the car to burn lean
it works without extra batteries