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Old 11-10-2008, 01:15 PM   #3 (permalink)
needs more cowbell
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pimp mobile - '81 suzuki gs 250 t
90 day: 96.29 mpg (US)

schnitzel - '01 Volkswagen Golf TDI
90 day: 53.56 mpg (US)
Thanks: 158
Thanked 269 Times in 212 Posts
The data is in the following format
instant mpg, instant mph, instant.injHius, instant.injPulses, instant.vssPulses


It uses the display formatter and mpg/mph will be to two decimal places if under 99.995. The other values will be 000.00 if zero, or the actual integer number.

With this basic info, a laptop application can compute instant gph and apply a vsspulses/mile and us/gallon correction factor and keep track of accumulated distances, fuel usage. It gets sent out the serial port once per 1/2 second.

I'm not sure about connectivity in vb, it should just be a serial port if you have the ftdi driver installed, same one you connect to from the arduino ide for uploadign sketches.
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