Originally Posted by brucepick
Anyway, for what it's worth, the very fuel-thrifty Honda Civic HX has lightweight 14" rims that weigh about 11 lb. each. It's predecessor the VX had similar ones but I think they were 13". In other words, Honda thought it worthwhile to use lightweight rims on their fuel sipper, and racers now like to grab those rims.
Aside from the cost, I'm sure it's a boost for mpg.
When I bought my first HX in 2000, I couldn't figure out why Honda put 11.75 pound Enkei alloys on it
Later, I found out it was to save gas - NOT styling - dittos for the VX!
I acquired a set of mint Si alloys (18 lbs) from the HX/Si swap and decided to run those for a while - and OMG!!! - what a day n' night difference!!!
My ride drives like a pickup with Si alloys (32 lbs mounted) and was getting high 30s...
With the HX alloys (24 lbs mounted) my ride drives like a go-kart and gets low 40s...
Keep in mind, this is
unsprung weight we're talking about, which is the worst kind!
I attribute a LOT of my (relative) FE success to using lightweight wheels...
And, you can take that from the B16A2 FE World Champ! LoL!