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Old 11-13-2008, 10:07 PM   #7 (permalink)
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I am unfamiliar with either of the books or of the author Lowry, however I had heard of the difficulties Tolkien had illustrating his views to the students.

I myself have a favorite author of a more objectivist nature. A woman by the name Ayn Rand. Her most famous novel, Atlas Shugged, is possibly the best book I have ever had the pleasure of reading. It gives insight into the world we now live in, even though it was published in 1957. I highly recommend it. It is not a light read, at over a thousand pages, it is likely one will have to put it down for time to sleep.

I must say that I have difficulty, though not unwelcome as they are thought provoking, reading your posts, and hope that my previous diatribe has been forgotten. I may not share your world views, but behind all of the convoluted speech, there is still and intelligent human being that must be respected as such. Cheers.
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