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Old 01-28-2008, 11:01 AM   #12 (permalink)
Bicycle Junky
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Location: Atlanta, GA
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Putsaround - '96 Toyota Camry LE
90 day: 32.74 mpg (US)

The Commuter - '07 Trek 1000SL
90 day: 617.28 mpg (US)

Zippy - '91 Honda Civic DX
90 day: 33.29 mpg (US)
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Yea, 40+ mph on a bike is a bit scary. I have the road bike I do because I used to do distance cycling in high school and on one of my routes there was a hill that could propel me to speeds approaching 45mph if I helped out gravity in my highest gear ratio.

P.S. thanks for fixing the link for me, I was wondering what was going on. Also, it appears you have to be a wholesaler to get it right from wildernessenergy so I did a google search and found an online retailer. Is there any real advantage for the brushless versus brushed motors? I know that the brushes have to be replaced occasionally, but considering I know how to replace electric motor brushes from my experience with RC cars I can't justify the price difference unless there is a performance increase. The replacement brushes are only like $10.

Last edited by NoCO2; 01-28-2008 at 11:10 AM..
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