Originally Posted by tangomar
Any schematics/layout files for the OBDuino?
I was thinking to modify the MPGuino ones.
The OBDuino was based on the MPGuino, the basic hardware (arduino, LCD, buttons) are the same in the same place. In the MPGuino there is a VSS input and Injector input, and on the OBDuino there is the ISO input/output (for ISO) or it uses the TX/RX serial port (pin 0/1) for the ELM version.
You can take the MPGuino schematic available here:
http://spiffie.org/kits/mpguino/more.shtml and modify it with the Eagle CAD software.
Note: the version with the MCP2515 will have some difference in the pinout of the LCD because of how the MCP interface with the AtMega via SPI.