It's a lot less trouble and expense to hunt deer using a rifle. As for the car not being worth fixing I've got an '88 Escort with 483,000+ miles on it and it's still running. The body looks like hell, but for a car its age with that many miles who cares. If you can do most or all the work yourself it won't cost all that much to fix it with JY parts. As for the starting issue if you can't hear the fuel pump coming on it may have damaged the inertia switch. My '88 got where it wouldn't start when the temperature was cold outside once, but as soon as the sun got on the car it would start. It took me forever to figure out what was going on with it. So one morning when it wouldn't start I was going to check the inertia switch to make sure it wasn't tripped. It wasn't, but just putting my warm hand close to it warmed it up enough for the car to start. Apparently the spring inside wasn't making the connection like it was suppose to, so I went and got one out of a car at the JY for $5. and haven't had any trouble with it since.