Remember what I said in the previous post ... Well how about that, today I learned that GMAC was applying to become a Bank, in order to take advantage of the bank bail out money. Also rumored was that Ford was following suit.
If nothing else this is going to change the way we buy cars. I am also predicting that showrooms and large lots will be a thing of the past. Holding on to 600 cars in inventory is a gigantic drain on dealers because they are paying interest on everything sitting on the lot. Instead, dealers will reduce themselves to locales with a couple representative models for you to see and test drive, then order your vehicle, built to your specs and delivered on a specific date.
Thx NoCO2; "The biggest FE mod you can make is to adjust the nut behind the wheel"
I am a precisional instrument of speed and aeromatics
If your knees bent in the opposite direction......what would a chair look like???