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Old 11-20-2008, 04:09 PM   #6 (permalink)
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anyways not on the mercedes but active flow control, this has been something of a thought for me as well since I have a pretty aero car with an adjustable rear wing that could either make the car very stable with a lot of drag and downforce, or very slippery aerodynamically because it hangs off the top back of my hatchback. it curves down then back up. but what if the trailing edge height was controlled not by bolts (as is current and limited) but by an electric servo. when I feel the need for speed I could just crank it up via a button and lock the rear down (its very effective).

another thought is to have the front edge variable and on a spring, with a cover between the leading edge and the start of the wing mount (the front dips down to get more downforce) and installing a sliding sheet between these. so that before a certain speed the whole wing would be even with the roof and a good aero extension, but when going faster the pressure there would push (or pull from the vaccume behind) the leading edge down for more downforce (and drag, and stability). no electronics, no motors, very little weight, have my cake (good downforce giving wing that looks cool) and eat it too (have an very aero car). cause, if I am going to be driving over 70mph, I will NOT care about fuel economy (or I wouldnt drive that fast) I WILL care below that, but I will care about a functional wing.

I like this idea, and I think I will be trying it out
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