Hey KJSatz, yes the extras were nice however, as envious you are of me, i am the same of you. When I bought it, the CDN $ was at par w/ USD and Honda was being a dink and saying that any car bought in USA and brought back would not have its warranty honoured (and not only that, they refused to lower prices given decreased value of USD and were just pocketing all the extra dough). At the end of the day, you paid a few thousands dollars less than I did even with my ecoauto gov't discount and negotiating down to $350cdn over dealer cost w/ paying cash.
Thank you for all the info & advice MetroMPG!! and I'd totally appreciate a lesson or two in hypermiling (maybe even when you get back).
As per buying the ScanGauge...have I considered it? absolutely, however... I've been driving with all these painfully slow/annoying even techniques for now three months. And on some tanks I really do accelerate as absolutely slow as possible, shut down engine while even coasting to lights that have turned red or down the really long straight hills, and yet I am NOT seeing the results. For all these painful procedures, I'm getting down 3-4% typically and sometimes less! In other words, when I go fill up my tank with 40L gas or whatever it may be at that time, i'm saving all of $1 lol. When I could be driving quickly, speeding regularly like everyone else in Ottawa, and accelerating fairly hard (although, normal driving for me typically doesn't involve me going over 3200rpm, even when i want to hit it hard, i only go to 4000-4500 max). On those tanks that i'm doing everything possible to get the mileage down, it's guaranteed that i must be in this so called 'lean burn mode' with the efficient cylinders or at least for quite a bit of the time. And even at that I get no significant gains.
This brings me back to the scangauage 2 - why buy it when I've driven whole tanks brutally slow with all the 'correct' (as i see fit) driving procedures? It's going to cost me $190 and will be a fun new toy and everything, but come on, I really doubt I'm going to see much better mileage (speaking from 3 months worth of pain in the ass driving techniques). If you honestly think this gidget's going to make a big difference, let me know and why?
Ford Man --> as per shifting any lower, that's not gonna fly, I mean this car has a redline of 6800rpm and 2400 is really about as low as you want to go, any lower and you probably can't be precise enough with the shift to get it bang on everytime and avoid lugging.