I completed a round-trip 180 mile drive today- mostly highway and backroads. I did my best P&G while monitoring TPS and Load closely. Hwy speeds kept below 75mph.
At the end of the day my SG said I averaged 42mpg- yay!
However, when I went to fill up at the pump I only got a measly 32.8mpg (corrected miles actually driven divided by fuel purchased). Granted, I burned less than half a tank to include approximately 20 miles of non-P&G city driving before this test run.
Is something wrong with my SG? Every fillup I re-calibrate. For example, the SG said I burned 5.2 gallons of fuel- when in reality I filled up with 6.02 gallons- a 15.8% difference. I re-calibrate my SG every time- as it says I burn less fuel than I actually fill up with.
My fuel source is Sam's Club- and they are quite reputable.
Thanks in advance.