Originally Posted by dichotomous
anyways, like I said I am likely to be putting on a high flow cat, should keep my exhaust pretty free flowing and increase the efficiency of the motor, using less gas and cleaning the gas that is used (the 2.25" pipe models are designed for a 5.7l V8, my 2.0l I4 should be well scrubbed). I am not advocating anyone remove their catalytic converter.
Putting a cat that's too large will increase light off times and pollution compared to a cat that's the right size. Not that you shouldn't replace a leaky beat-up one, just that using something too big will probably result in a significant emissions increase on startup.
Originally Posted by dichotomous
now dont get me started on the polution that CREATING the cat costs, there is way more pollution and horrible things going in the environment from the production of platinum and rhodium and the ceramics that make up a cat, way more than it will prevent from my little car or bike running 30,000mi a year.....
Proof or I call B.S.