Well those numbers aren't totally truthful
. They are the milage I get on the fuel I pay for. I run waste veggie oil most of the time. I only use the diesel/biodiesel for warming up and shutting down the engine. In between those times I switch to veggie oil. The car still only gets 25-30mpg. But per gallon of diesel I get much more because I use veggie oil. In my opinion it's really not different that a hybrid. The gas engine in a hybrid doesn't get 60mpg on it's own, but when the car is supplemented by it's electric power it gets 60mpg. It's using a separate onboard fuel source, and so am I.
My wagon is stock and usually gets between 25-27mpg. I am hoping to find some things to do that will squeeze a few more mpg out of it.
BTW how do I get the EM milage ticker in my signature. I have it there but it's not a link and I'm not sure that it will keep itself up to date when I update my fuel log. How do I do it properly?