Thread: Heated Fuel
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Old 11-30-2008, 12:03 PM   #35 (permalink)
testing the waters
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Modern Fuel Injection pressure would be anywhere from about 30psi to 60psi. (I've heard Jaguars do 200psi!).

Which would calculate to anywhere from 125 to 150 C (257 to 302F)

426.2 C (798 F) for the jag

I used a boiling point calc to figure this out, I _think_ it's accurate.

Originally Posted by cfg83 View Post
wagonman76 -

I have one but I haven't installed it. My mechanic didn't want to. If it's properly installed and a good design, then I think the main worry would be vapor lock :

Vapor lock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But, from what I have read on wikipedia, vapor lock is more of a low-pressure fuel-line carburetor issue than a high-pressure fuel-injection issue.

Here are some fuel ignition comparisons :

Ignition Temperature of Gasoline
The minimum ignition temperature at atmospheric pressure 
for some substances are: 

Carbon          400 C =  752 F 
Gasoline        260 C =  500 F 
Hydrogen        580 C = 1076 F 
Carbon Monoxide 610 C = 1130 F 
Methane         630 C = 1166 F
Question: What would the ignition temperature be at modern fuel injection PSI?!?!?!?

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