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Old 12-01-2008, 02:03 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Those times weren't using a SRT-4, they were using a (94-ish) Neon Expresso, with a stock motor (420A?).

Why would I say something about SRT-4's being the only Neon I'd drive, then laugh about how poor their performance was, even with nitrous installed?

I'm sure we were running lean, which is why the engine blew... there wasn't a straight rod in that motor when we got to it, and we had to clean off the track with a broom, because not just one, but 3 rods went out the side.

Apparently, when you're running really lean, at high RPM, with enough dynamic compression to liquefy your insides (In theory), the rods start to become squishy... whodathunkit??

We only did it for fun anyway, so he could put the SRT-4 apparatus in it. Never ended up doing it though.
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