You really didn't even read the part about your cat not having an ECU?
You can solve the equation. P/v=p2/v2. If we know p,v,and v2 we know p2. p-v is a ratio. If we change one the other also gets smaller. they aren't variable. a gallon of fuel equals 20 lbs of CO2 and several other things in grams. PERIOD. your cat works to ensure that it puts out 20lbs of CO2 instead of 15 lbs of CO2 and a bunch of unburned fuel. that said as I said above, your cat doesn't have an ECU. It's job all the time is to clean out 95% of the emissions. so just because its permitted to create .07 grams per mile doesn't mean it is. its creating .07 grams/mile when you crank redline at full throttle(the point your engine consumes as much fuel as it ever will). Any time when its not redlined and full throttled its not cranking .07 grams. It's cranking less.
What you are trying to say is because there is a standard thats what it is. If I turn my car off and roll it down the hill it produces 0 grams per mile because it consumes no fuel(gravity is being discounted for right now as fuel).
grams of emissions are dependent on how much fuel your engine consumes when held equal.
Yes I know the controls are greater for less FE cars. They use more fuel, they produce more emissions(before it gets to the controls), the controls remove 95%, 5% gets through and it stays below .07 grams per mile unless you are redlining and full throttle then = .07 grams per mile.
Yes scooters do produce terrific amounts of emissions. My cousin owns a scooter store(40cc). They don't have any emissions controls because they qualify as a small engine(Briggs and Stratton have a huge lobby group to keep it that way).
So we'll compare my 35 mpg Del Sol to the 100 mpg scooter.
First to make this a comparison we need to take out my Cat. Now my car releases more emissions than it did with the cat.
We will use theoretical maximums for ease. 1 gallon = 20 lbs of CO2. We will just talk about CO2 to prove the point.
To travel 200 miles my car expends 5.7 gallons of gas and emits, 114 lbs of CO2.
to travel 200 miles the scooter requires 2 gallons and just 40 lbs are emitted.
The other pollutants that get filtered out arise from unburned fuel. so if we say 18 lbs of CO2 per gallon and 2 lbs of whatever else. . .
my car= 102 CO2 and 10 lbs of something else
scooter = 36 bs of CO2 and 4 lbs something else
Miles per gallon = Mi/Gallons
Grams per Mile = g/Mi
Grams per Gallon = g/Gallons
Miles per gallon multiplied by grams per mile = Mi/Gallons * g/Mi = (miles cancel) g/Gallons = grams per gallon.
It's very easy to insult your opponent and attack their character. It's more difficult to prove a point.